Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I've found out that salmon undoubtedly is making me bleed. I'm unsure of how or why, but it definitely is.

Actually, at this point I'm unsure of what things do cause the problem. I'm pretty sure beef doesn't have the same effect although it is something else I cannot eat.

I't s amazing how confusing eating food can be.

On a somewhat more positive note, I've been chewing gum now and I think it is helping me to eat better.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

my computer game projects

gonna take a little break from talking about health for the moment.

I've been developing a couple of miniature games, and it's been convenient for me that i've had something to do while my health has been very bad.

the main thing i wanted to say was that i found out while i was playing my more finished project online, i would run across these mysterious 'leavers'...once, one of them complained that he wasn't a leaver at all but the complaint was left unresolved until this past week. actually, i was in the middle of updating the project with something else but i might just take a step back and publish the macintosh compatible version tomorrow. i'll think about it. anyways, the point is that i was able to import graphics that were not quite developed properly...but worked just fine on most computers...apparently they won't work on macintosh computers. that's why the leavers kept showing up in the game. i couldn't figure out why they would leave at the beginning of a match or they would be off in 'windows' or away from the computer and when they come back to the program they would 'leave'. but now that mystery's been solved. the icons were given some kind of standard-lookalike border but apparently it wasn't compatible with macintosh computers so the borders all had to be altered again. it's honestly incredibly hard to tell the difference, but apparently, the such minor differences were important enough to crash the program for macintosh users.

then i'm also passively working on another project where i'm honestly more or less waiting for some other guys to do some more of the work before i do some stuff on it. they've been planning this custom user interface for the project so it's a pretty big deal and a lot of it is over my head at the moment. anyway i did get some further information about how to proceed but for the moment it's still going to be easier if i just wait before doing more work on it. which is fine, considering i still have some designs for my solo projects that i haven't finished implementing yet.

with the next couple of updates, my first main project might be well enough along and apparently, stable enough(i hope) that it can take third place in my priority list of computer game projects to work on. on the other hand...gaining macintosh players might make the popularity of the map explode(one can hope), causing myself to scramble to provide more content patches and balance patches. if that happens it'll probably just end up staying in 2nd place...but theorhetically if that'll probably drop back to 3rd place as soon as i pick up my pace on the team project that i'm working on.